Friday, February 19, 2010

02.19.10 haircut day!

last night before hair cut day

the traditional before haircut dance
gotta have the proper tongue position
and you must be upside down

getting wet down for the cut!

here is where i stop and apologize
there are no during hair cut pictures
poor little guy had a melt down
mommy had to jump in the chair with him
and even then he screamed and kicked
and threw anything we tried to distract him with
and fought and yelled and sobbed
and finally fell asleep still sobbing
while the very kind, patient, talented hair dresser
finished cutting his hair

oh and i should also tell you i'm sorry
there are no immediate after haircut pictures
he was pretty much bent out of shape
for at least an hour after
even though we showered to get the hair off
and snuggled in bed for a bit
it took a while for him to come around
and forgive me for the afternoon's torture
of helping him to see again
by removing the hair from his face
with a proper haircut

and the handsome young man!

isn't he cute?!

taking advantage of being able to see by watching tv

"okay mommy, i've humored you long enough, no. more. pics."

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